
what the hfac happened to fall??

today it snowed.

i don't understand.

one day it was summer, HALF A DAY it was fall, and now it's winter?!?! no.

no. no. no.

anyway, i'll get over it.

also today: i had my first day in the practicum. this means that i spent the day in a 2nd grade classroom, and will be doing it every day for the next four weeks. it was awesome. i was nervous, but then i met the students. and then i wasn't. now i'm just excited. more to come..

my technology cleansing is going well. i have only been on facebook once a day (proud). and on saturday i wasn't even on it at all. :) as for tv.. well, i have to admit i have watched 3-4 episodes of my name is earl. BUT. it's been while i've been eating or doing other things. like cleaning my room. however, i did it before i was done with whatever i had to do. so, it's kinda not ok, but it's kinda ok. i also watched a french movie called the chorus (must see!!) while preparing for my introductory lesson in 2nd grade. and i watched the bodyguard while grading exams for my norwegian class today. so i feel like i'm doing well, but could be doing better. still a couple of more days (or only one?) until a week has passed, so we'll see if i can do better by then.

wow. so much more i want to/need to write about, but it will/have to wait.

as for the snow. i like my winter coat. but i don't like the snow.

image from: http://bozena.typepad.com/im_not_sure_yet/images/2007/12/06/ice.jpg

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