
how i roll.

this is what i do. for all those interested:

-work: almost every day. at a grocery store. that i usually love, but have been a little tired of the last couple of weeks. i'm sure it'll pass.

-watch tv: here it comes. a deep, dark secret i've been hiding. hell0. my name is lene. and i am a tv-holic. last fall i was introduced to a website that has given me both joy and grief. it is a website that streams tv-shows, and i have been spending way too much time catching up on the following tv-shows since then:

  • how i met your mother
  • the big bang theory
  • the walking dead
  • new girl
  • modern family
  • bones
  • glee
  • the office
  • 30 rock
  • parks and recreation
yes. that is a list of ten shows. and i will not reveal how many seasons i was behind on some of them. at this time, i am not quite caught up on four of the shows, but am so far into this thing that i need to finish. it's addicting. it's consuming. and i am aware of this. but i cannot stop. it is as bad as it sounds. i have even made a chart where i keep track of which season's i've watched and what shows i am caught up on. it's bad, ya'll.

-knit: i have knitted 1 adult sock, 1 pair of children's socks, many uneven squares for a blanket, and 2 halves of two different scarves. my goal is a sweater. and of course the other sock. and a hat, some mittens, and headband. i love knitting. and am quite ok at it. bad thing is, i buy yarn faster than i can finish any projects. i should probably watch less tv or something.

-read: fearing i might have adhd, i will tell you that i am currently reading 6 different books. they are featured at the very top left of this here blog. and i am wondering if i will ever finish any of them. when did i become this unfinisher? point is, i love reading. and i love that i currently have the freedom to read whatever i want. oh, and i also have a goal for 2013: to read the entire Bible. currently in genesis 31. so that's happening.

-young women: of which i lead. or try to. for any non-mormons reading this: i am the leader of the group of young girls between the ages of 12-18 at my local mormon church. there is a lot to plan and organize, but i am having so much fun with it, and the girls are wonderful. and, best of all, i am learning a million things. all the time. which, in turn, makes me feel alive. and happy.

-work out: i shouldn't even be writing this here, because it is something that i just recently resumed doing, after a too-many-weeks-long hiatus. but. i have been running outside in the arctic cold. and am quite proud of myself. it seems that the holiday food decided to show itself on my body several weeks after it was consumed. so. i'm currently very motivated and unmotivated at the same time. anywho. one of my other resolutions is to work out in some way or the other every day. so 10 sit-ups before bed counts if i didn't have time to do anything else during the day.

and that. is how i roll. (right now, this is a literal statement.)

1 comment:

  1. Lene! Knitting! Wish we could hang out. Also, I loved Frankenstein. I read it so long ago but I remember LOVING it. You have to tell me what you think. Love you so much, Lene.
    You are such a good example to those girls. That's so great that you are YW leader.
