
not over you.

remember when i was like: should i go see gavin degraw in vegas for my birthday?


i went.

it was amazing.

i walked through the casino trying to find the concert and was guided to the outside middle of the casino - the pool area. it was a lovely warm evening and a romantic atmosphere.

and there i was. me and gavin.

you know how some artists have the amazing ability to make it seem like they're singing to only you. (can't think of any other artists on the spot, but there must be a couple.) yes. it was gavin and me. me and gavin.

i was in love. his voice. his moves.

he's sexy.

well it turns out there were other people at the concert too. i was disappointed. they were there. and they were drunk. so naturally they would prefer the faster songs of mr gavin. so that's what he sang.

not my faves: more than anyone. and dancing shoes.

but it's ok.

i still love him.

best birthday present i have ever given myself. thanks.

his new album, sweeter comes out sep 20. the first single, not over you, is out. and he sang that. love. love love love.

i'm not over him.

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