

as in like the last 36 hours. ok. a little longer. yes. this is one of those posts. that i never said i would never do. but still. never imagined i would do. at this point in my life. really because my life is the worst. truly. the worst it has ever been. [drama queen much?] but. i figured that maybe if i list some things that has happened lately, i would appreciate my life instead of loathing it.

•hung out w brother and sister-in-law. and ate delicious food. (they're both chefs)
•played with two beautiful dalmatians. one of them being my 'nephew', gordon.
•went to a bday party for my 30-year old filipino male friend. wow. that surely sounded  
  extremely weird.
•saw some old friends. reminisced (a favorite past-time of mine).
•saw a male filipino butt. not my friend's.
•touched my best friend's 4 month pregnant belly. (she is the aforementioned
  birthdayman's sister).
•had a nice long chat with another old friend. like an adult conversation. (no. not about sex)
  we've never done that before. it was refreshing.
•watched about a million episodes of the office. second time around. love it. too much.
•substitute taught for the first time since june.
•had about 25 7th graders chanting my name in the hallway. it was bizarrely satisfying.
•entertained several relief society sisters with a skit about visiting teaching. not a tough
  crowd to please.
•cried myself to sleep over lack of any romance in my life. for the 1400th time this year.
•asked a man out on a date. yes. a real, live man. but not in real life. it's complicated. maybe
  i'll share the story if it turns out to be a semi-success. [high hopes much?]
•watched slumdog millionaire. again. what.a.life-changing.movie. seriously.
•went for a 1 hr & 40 min walk in the freezing, windy, and snowy march weather.
•saw two deer jump and run into and across the road right.in.front.of.me. had i been
  jogging/running i could have been killed. but since i wasn't it was an awesome experience.
•realized that i'll be ok. someday. in the future. maybe.

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